In this post I will help you find work from home business ideas by helping you find what you love to do.
What you can learn:
- What does “follow your bliss” mean?
- How to find your bliss
- How to do what you love
- Dream of the perfect day
- Make a vision board
- Work from home business ideas
- What's a niche?
In 1988, I saw a documentary with Bill Myers and Joseph Campbell called, “The Power of Myth” In it, he says, “follow your bliss.”
Until a few minutes ago, I thought he said, “do what you love, the money will follow” but he didn't. He definitely says, “follow your bliss.”
Do what you love is so much more modern than follow your bliss – but then again Joseph Campbell was far from modern. 🙂
This is a clip of that interview that inspired me to follow my bliss!
I bought the book, The Power of Myth within months of seeing that special. I spent a lot of time in the library, studying myth and religion with a lot of passion. I took classes on the subject in college.
I moved on to studying passion and the law of attraction. I got my first copy of “The Master Key” by Charles Haanell in 1991. I was hooked on the law of attraction long before “The Secret” made it popular.
I started listening to Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and other great audios – as well as reading a ton of books.
How to Find Your Bliss
How can you “follow your bliss” if you don't know what it is?
- Make a list of what you love to do – try to make it at least 20 things.
- Make a list of what you are good at – try to make it at least 20 things.
- Where does the list overlap?
Some people have a hard time coming up with things they love to do. I've got a few ideas for you.
Think back to a time when you were truly happy. Can you think of what you were doing? Or better, yet what you were DREAMING.
- When you were young, what did you do for fun?
- When was the last time you felt inspired?
- Have you ever had a time in your life when you woke up with a spring in your step and could not wait to get started with your day?
“Follow your bliss and don't be afraid and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. ”
~Joseph Campbell
How to Do What You Love
It's kind of the same thing as follow your bliss – but not if you can't get into the whole bliss word. Like I said before, it's kind of an old-fashioned word.
However you can find inspiration, do it.
The cost of not doing what you love is getting to the end of your life and wishing you had.
How many people go to work 40 hours a week for 40 years just to retire on 40% of the income they couldn't afford to live on in the first place – I truly believe it's a SCAM!
For years, I have heard a JOB described as a J-O-B — spelled out, with each of the letters standing for
- J- Just
- O- Over
- B- Broke
Have you heard that too?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Do what you love and the money will follow is a philosophy we should all strive to live by.
Too many people are chasing the almighty dollar with no real reason for living.
I believe it is best to live to serve others and to share what you have learned in life to make other lives easier.
My goal is to create a life I don't need a vacation from because every day is perfect.
Dream of the Perfect Day
If you could wake up in the morning tomorrow and do anything you wanted to do…
- what would you do?
- where would you be?
- who would you be with?
- what are your plans for the future?
- who do you want to help?
Each day we are given 86,400 seconds. Make each second count.
Dream it, do it.
The more you play the movie of your perfect day in your mind, the closer you will come to living it.
Make a Vision Board
This is one I haven't done in a while – I just bought poster board so I can make a new vision board today and post another blog about my vision board.
A while ago, I got all these free magazine subscriptions by participating in a charity golf tournament. I thought great! Free magazines.
I rarely read them, and I have stacks of them.
If you don't have stacks of magazines like I do, maybe you could ask at a doctor's office – if they could keep the old, outdated magazines for you to cut pictures out of.
If you have a photo printer, that works too.
Cut out or print out pictures of whatever inspires you.
Do you want to travel? Cut out pictures of where you want to go.
Do you want to have a beautiful house or car? Find pictures of what that would look like in your perfect world.
After you fill your board and glue it all down…
Don't just set it and forget it. Look at it every day. I took a picture of this vision board so I could bring it with me to Kauai in May of 2014 – as you can see I put “Kauai” with the date in that blue rectangle as a goal.
I wound up spending 3 months in Kauai with family, living by the ocean and enjoying the “Aloha” life. I would have stayed there but my husband and 2 youngest children had other plans so we came back to upstate NY in August of 2014.
My two oldest daughters still live on Kauai today and I have set a goal to go see them for Christmas, 2018.
Hang that vision board where you will see it every day.
Look at it and get a good feeling – one that you would feel if you were where you wanted to be right now.
Work From Home Business Ideas
Now that we have figured out what you love to do and what you are good at and where they intersect — now we need to find a way you can share your passion with the world and fill a need… find out how to help other people who love the same things you love.
This means finding something you can sell or some way you can serve people who love the same things you love.
This sweet spot, where all the circles intersect is where you will find your home business that will work for you and will fund all your dreams and desires.
The Internet is something that can help anyone work from home – as long as you know where your passions are, what you are good at and some way you can help people with either selling them something they need or offering a service. Your expertise can be the thing you are selling – write a book or a blog.
If you don't have your own product or service to sell, find one that has helped you and tell other people about it. This is called affiliate marketing and there is a free training that can help you get started with your business – doing what you love.
If something helps you – you are doing people like you a service by telling them about it.
Don't you think?
If you are ready to start following your bliss and you want help finding work from home business ideas, I recommend you start this free training and pay special attention to
Online Entrepreneur Certification – Level 1 : Lesson 3 of 10 “Choose a Niche”
What's a Niche?
A niche is a specific need you discover and start a business in which has its own particular requirements, products, services, and interests . Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche.Â
Let me know your niche below – or ask me anything.
I'd love to hear from you.
Hi Heather
You have a very original approach, beuatiful site and great sense of humor! On track…
How to follow our bliss? By doing what we love and excell in it. And dream and plan and act.
Great guiding. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you very much! All the best to you too!
You hit right up my alley with this one. Great way to break it down on how to actually come up with ideas that will allow you to work from home or have your own business. So many people nowadays promise they have the secret just pay for their $300 seminar and its just motivational speaking. No breakdown of how they did it step by step. Now I’ve heard what are you passionate about or what do you love to do but never make 2 lists and see where they overlap. I have been toying with an idea of a vision board because i truly believe in the law of attraction. I once heard Jim Carey say that he wrote himself a million dollar check and even signed and dated it with a year. He did this before he was on “In Living Color” before he was known of course and in the year that he wrote that check out for he was paid 1 million for ‘Dumb And Dumber” This is a great article and thank you for writing it!
Thanks, Davona – I have heard that about Jim Carey too. I’m glad the overlapping circles helped you. I just finished my vision board – I will be blogging about that tomorrow!
Great post! You made some compelling points, particularly about sharing what we know with others. So many people find something good and want to keep it for themselves.
I have been seeking something new in my life, however I do fear taking that first step. I am not sure about blogging… can you tell me more about it? How do I find something to sell??
I always say this and not sure where I got it – sharing is caring.
The actual blogging – is just writing – it’s really not any harder than writing an email.
Finding something to sell is easy too – you just have to know where to look.
The best thing about this training program is it is free to join and do the trainings that will answer the questions like, how to blog, how to find something to sell and how to take that first step.
Wow! Now, this is inspirational! I have the urge to go right now and make a vision board!
My niche is San Diego Beaches. At the moment I am trying to write my page as more as a reference guide as I yet to do any affiliate marketing.
I appreciate you mentioning ‘bliss’ as I feel this way whenever I am writing on my site. It is hard to describe, but it is as if I am being driven by my passion for the Ocean!. I haven’t felt this way for a long time, and I think making a vision board will help me even more! Thank you for this.
Good luck to you
I’m glad you found your bliss! If you do make a vision board, I would love to see it. I am going to post mine tomorrow. I just finished.
I love the vision board and dreaming of the perfect day. I always heard the phrase “if you can dream, you can do it”. And J-O-B acronym had laughing like crazy
Thanks for stopping by! I’m glad I gave you a good laugh. 🙂
Absolutely, Find your Bliss. I love the video. I never seen it before, so i found it to be inspirational. than you for that. I love how you gave blueprint basically to find one’s bliss. And I love the vision board idea. That is something I am going to do tonight. thanks for such a good video and read
Thanks, Sean. You are very welcome. Glad you got something out of it! If you do make a vision board, I would love to see it.
Great advice and ideas!! I think I need to create a vision board. I am such a visual person, and seeing my goals and aspirations would help me work hard and not give up!
Thanks for this post!
Absolutely – I just made a new vision board tonight… I’m a very visual person too. It truly helps to stay focused on those goals! If you do make a vision board, I would love to see it!
You have to have some idea on how you are going to approach working from home and some goal . Have a mental picture how you see yourself a year from now and go for it. Of course there may be obstacles in the way but there is a philosophy to go by , patience and perseverance.
Fantastic advice! Spoken like a true veteran entrepreneur. Glad to know you, Andrew. Thanks for adding to the conversation.